Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Girl, the Wolf, and the Book

I know what you are thinking - Little Red Riding Hood - but that's not it. Nope! That is not who came to find me in the wee hours of the morning, dragging her blanket along. Miss M has been waking up in the night and coming to climb into bed with Mom and Dad. Being wired for mommyhood as I am, I cannot turn her away. I have always loved to snuggle with my kids, and since she's not much of snuggler in daylight hours, I take what I can get - even at 2am. So this morning, when she came to my room with the little stuffed animal (that might actually be a dog instead of a wolf - but it wouldn't sound as good) and a tiny little book from Grandma, and quietly called, "Mommy....Mommy..." I could not say no. In less than 5 minutes she was back asleep - and I realized this morning that she had not even brought her paci with her!

As much as I love to snuggle with them, I have to admit it can sometimes be a little uncomfortable. Miss M likes to sleep sideways with her feet in my back, or upside down (I have been woken many mornings by a kick in the face - ouch!). She even had her own side of the bed last night - Daddy was away - and still ended up so close that I couldn't roll over. And, that tiny little book from Grandma that is one of her never-put-it-down favorites right now had sharp corners! But - if that's what it takes to earn her snuggles, I'll do what it takes to get them.

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