Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday Thanks Tank #1

I found this meme over at Gravity of Motion, and have decided that I'm ready to give it a shot. Here are just a few things I'm thankful for this week.

1) A surprisingly good day with the family. I had expected just an average rainy day. This particular day turned out so nicely that I had no need for sunshine to lift my spirits.

2) Pix messaging. Ok, so I didn't use it for entirely honorable means in this particular moment, but I did send a sweet message to my sweetie when I sent him the picture of the doughnut that would be waiting for him at home.

3) Video Games. Seems unlikely, I know. I don't particularly enjoy them, but I'm thankful for the one-on-one time that Big J and Mister J have while they play. They are spending a little bit of time (around 30 minutes or so) a few nights a week playing video games together, and I can see that Mister J really enjoys showing Daddy how the games work and how much he's improving.

4) Snuggling with my daughter. Miss M has never really been a cuddler like Mister J was when he was her age. However, over the past couple of weeks we have been sitting in the glider in her room on the occasional day when she naps, and some evenings at bedtime. It only takes about 10 minutes for her to relax, and sometimes fall completely asleep. The sweetest moment was one night when I told her it was time to lay down in her bed and she asked to "lay down in the rocking chair" instead.

1 comment:

Jane Anne said...

I am so glad that you joined in on this thankful exercise. It has been a life changing discipline for me. I hope you do another Thankful list this week. It really encourages me to make my list.

As far as your surprisingly good day- any day with Krispy Kreme doughnuts is a good one! Oh, I love those and miss them. We used to live within 20 minutes of one and now the nearest one is 2 hours away!!
The rocking chair moment is such a sweet one. I really enjoyed reading your list! I was really busy last week so I didn't get to read it before now. I went away for a girls weekend this weekend! I am thankful for the getaway. It was such a treat.