Friday, September 26, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

Yes, I'm posting on Friday (well, almost Saturday now) and on purpose using Wednesday in the title. Because Wednesday was truly wonderful!

Preschool got off to a bit of a rough start this year, but in this last week, things are looking up. Every day has been a good day since our conference with the teacher. (Oh, yeah, it was conference-with-the-teacher rough [and that's a post for another day]. But, I think that day was the turning point - he knew he had to shape up if Mom and Dad were talking with Mrs E.) He had a terrific day this past Monday (the first day of class since the conference). Mrs. E was so proud of him, and made sure to praise his good behavior when she brought him to the Mommy-van in the pick up line. There was a little issue with sharing on Tuesday when a classmate tried to take a toy from him, but nothing he'd instigated - another small victory! On Wednesday, the best day of the week, Mrs. E took the time to tell me that there was another sharing issue during class, but that time Mister J held his temper and asked a teacher for help. Woohoo! Of course, we were both so proud of him, and he earned a special treat (a SpongeBob sticker) from Mrs. E for being so grown up in class. I have never seen him so proud of a sticker!

Each night at bedtime, I spend a few minutes with J talking about his day at school. He needs quite a while to process the day's events, so I've learned to ask just the most basic questions when I pick him up. During Mommy and J time (while Miss M naps), we do a craft, practice handwriting, or do homework if there is any. If he volunteers anything, I will try to engage him in a longer conversation, but usually we talk most at bedtime. Something along the lines of, "How was your day, J?" "It was good. I didn't spit. I didn't hit. I didn't push." and then I ask a few more specific questions about Circle Time, the Special Helper of the day, and snack time.

On Wednesday evening, after the usual questions, J looked into my eyes and said something I'll not forget. He said, "I'm so proud of myself." I can't even describe my feelings at that moment - but mostly elation! He knows the good choices, he knows it's sometimes hard to make them, and today he made the good choices! **cheers** Of course, you know what I said back to him (as I started to tear up) -

"Honey, I'm proud of you, too!"


Heather said...

I'm proud of Mister J too! I have to admit some tears welled up in my eyes as I read this. Way to go J!

Anonymous said...

All of us were a bit testy when young. We all had to test the limits to see just how far we could go before getting into trouble. I did, you did, and your sister did.
Being proud of you when you do good is something that parents do.
Let's hope they both continue to make you proud.
Tell Mister "J" that we are both really proud of him!!!!

PS: I kinda teared up too. He's a good kid!