Friday, September 24, 2010

Today's Stats

Mostly for my own records, but read on if you are interested in what this 5K training program is all about.  

I was ache-y and stiff this morning - perhaps from having run last night, but it could have been from falling asleep in a chair watching tv last night, too.

On my own run - training plan indicates 1 mile run/walk with a 1:30/2:00 interval.

Starting with a run interval, 1 mile in 14:45, continued to 1.25 miles in 17:30. Not fast, but an improvement on my starting pace.

Post-run stretches using park's playground equipment to 'assist' with my solo version of partner stretches.  And - I'm really proud of this! - core work:

120 assorted crunches(30 each of 4 types)
20 (girly, half-) push ups - a personal record


Image from here

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Overheard #35, I think

Last night at bath time, Miss M was singing the "Days of the Year" song.  In case you haven't heard it before, it goes a little like this:

January, February, March, and April,
May, June, Ju-Y-M-C-A!

I'm sure her teacher, Ms. G, is very proud!

it'll be fun!

We are trying out our new Thermos FUNtainers today! Batman for him, and a yet-to-be-decorated 'plain' one (with a pink lid) for her.  Give us a few days, and I'll let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Cub Scout Meeting

He's growing up!

I can't tell you what a 'mommy moment' it was for me to see Mister J all dressed up in his Cub Scout uniform for his first meeting!  Totally makes the pricked fingers (from sewing on badges - a Girl Scout, I'm not!) worth it.  I didn't get misty-eyed, but it did take my breath away just a little bit.  I was a little annoyed that I forgot to bring my 'good' camera - but I guess this cell phone snap turned out okay.  Oh well, I'll try to get a better photo next week!

Mister J was so excited to come home after the meeting and show me what he learned - he was talking from the moment he walked through the door!  And then he showed me how to tie a square knot!  He was so proud - and so am I.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Overheard #??

Scene: Miss M was flirting with some boys when we were out to dinner.
Me: "Well, she is cute!"
Big J: "She's not cute, she's my daughter!"

Scene: Miss M is helping me sort laundry, and hands me a bra.
Miss M: "I found a booby trap!"
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Post Run Fun

I took the kids with me on my run this morning.  On our way to a local park - and during our warm-up - I talked with Mister J about running etiquette and explained the walk/run pattern that we would use.  Miss M was none to thrilled about riding in the jogging stroller until I let her know she'd be able to snack a bit during her ride.

We completed two laps (totaling one mile) in just a bit more time than it usually takes me.  I was pushing about 50+ pounds of kid and stroller (and the wheels weren't inflated quite enough), so I'm calling this quite an accomplishment!

After our run, we did stretching and core work (yes, I made Mister J do all of it, too!) while Miss M counted us down.  She seemed to have great fun being the 'coach'!  And after that was over, I let the kids have some fun on the playground.

Oh yes, one mile later and they were still going strong!  I think they're going to want to keep this up, and I can't complain - I enjoyed the company!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

1.25 miles

OK, just a quick update. Last night was the first coached workout with the 5K training program - yay!

I was a bit apprehensive leaving the pre-training meeting last week, but had a great on-my-own run on Saturday. On Sunday I retraced my route in the mommy-van and realized that I had covered about a mile. Monday's workout was 1.25 miles, which I knew I could do! The hardest part of the run? The core workout afterwards. It was worse than the hills. BUT - I managed a dozen (girly, half-) pushups, and I am darn proud of that. Also more crunches than I have done since ... Well, I don't want to think about how long it's been. I have always disliked ab work.

When I got home, Big J asked me how it went. I said, "Ask me tomorrow." And the good news is that nothing hurts now that wasn't hurting before the run! Bonus - my feet aren't hurting at all! (This is super news since my podiatrist - yes, I have {those} feet - didn't seem all that excited that I wanted to join this program.)

We run one mile at the next workout, and then 1.5 next week. I am so excited for the 1.5 mile workout that I can't stand it! If you know me, this sounds totally out-of-character. And I know it will get harder. I am SO thankful for all of the support I have gotten - I know if will be even more important when things get tough!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Excited and Scared

I haven't caught up on lunch posts like I promised, or posted about our Labor Day weekend, or shared all of the funny things our kids have said or my thoughts on how much they have grown. I haven't told you anything about our Very BusyWeekend, Vol. 2.

We have been pretty swamped with a Very Busy Week. The kids' after-school activities started this week, I am preparing for our church's clothing exchange next week, and tonight was the first meeting for my 5K training. And that is what I'm excited about, and what scares me just a little bit. Scared in a good way, I hope.

I just finished putting the training plan into my calendar. The mileage seems to tick up so quickly each week. Whoa.... Many of the coaches have been through this program in the last year. It's comforting to me to know that they aren't all super-athletes. Miss M's teacher is also in the program. I didn't see any other familiar faces, but there were about 100 people there tonight and 100 more at a meeting last night. Yep, 200 people!

I am SO EXCITED. I was grinning like a crazy person on the drive over this evening. Now, I'm more worried about not being able to do it. Instead of worrying, though, I am going to keep reminding myself that it's all about taking baby steps. I want to be able to run a 5K tomorrow, but I have 12 weeks to get there.

Twelve weeks.

Twelve weeks.

And I start tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sink or Swim

Earlier this evening, I packed lunch for the 6th day of school.  Yes, sixth.  And as I was wondering what I'd pack, it already felt like I was losing my lunch inspiration.  On the 6th day.  Not good.  So I looked into my fridge, thought about what I'd had for lunch earlier in the day, and decided I'd go out on a limb.  I'm going to put in a few new-to-the-lunchbox things and see what happens. 

I haven't finished packing the lunches - I do sandwiches in the mornings - so look for photos later on tomorrow.  However, here's what my kids will be getting:

Turkey, apple and cheddar on sourdough
Banana yogurt (Stonyfield Farm Banilla - yum!)
Diced strawberries and kiwi topped with a kiwi star
Veggies with dip - cucumber spears, baby carrots, green beans.  Miss M also gets two grape tomatoes.  Italian dressing for Mister J, Thousand Island for Miss M.

Now, I know my kids like the yogurt, turkey, strawberries, carrots, and cukes, and Mister J likes cheddar cheese.  But the kiwi is one of those 'depends on the mood' foods - if they feel like eating it, they will; if not, they won't.  Luckily, it was a very tasty kiwi - I tasted it to be sure.  And mixed with the strawberries, it may have a better chance.  The green beans were left over from dinner.  I dried them off a bit, then cut them to fit nicely into the lunchbox.  We'll see how well they go over.  Miss M likes raw green beans, and will sneak them from the counter when I'm trying to prep them for dinner.  However, she has never eaten them packed into her lunch.  (I know, right?)  We'll see if these make the cut.  Mister J ate them at dinner, but again, I'm not sure how cold and leftover will fare.  They are still very pretty and green, so I'm hopeful.  Hmm...  anything else I'm wondering about?  Oh, yeah - that sandwich.  It's a great combo, but I'm just not sure what the kids will think.  Mister J loves to add chips to his sandwiches, so I'm hoping he'll go for the crunch of the apple.  Miss M usually deconstructs her sandwich, so I'm guessing there will be leftover cheese and crusts. 

I'll let you know how it works out!

Hold on! Don't buy that just yet!

 Kristen over at We are THAT Family is hosting a themed Works for Me Wednesday today, and it's all about back-to-school.  I'm sharing one simple tip today:

DO NOT purchase school supplies until after you have attended Open House.

I know the back-to-school sale prices are tempting - but wait!  Because... the list always changes.  Around here, school supply lists are posted online.  Teachers are not permitted to add anything to the school supply list, but they can choose to delete something from the list for their class - or be very specific about what type of folder/pencil/crayons they would prefer.

Last year, our teacher asked for a particular brand of crayons - no biggie, since that's what we typically use.  She also deleted a couple of items - didn't care for primary pencils, and would be providing matching pencil boxes to each student.  This year, our teachers don't need any hand sanitizer - they already have plenty - and took pencils boxes off of the list again.  I can also imagine, in years to come, that "four three-pronged folders" will need to be specific, solid-colored folders - and I know I wouldn't choose the right ones if I was just guessing at a back-to-school sale.

If you end up with extras, you can always return them - but even better, donate them!